Sometimes referred to as pre-engagement rings, promise rings are gifted as a sign of one’s love and devotion to his or her partner. Like an engagement ring, a promise ring indicates a commitment between two people. But unlike engagement rings, promise rings don’t necessarily signify taking your relationship to the highest level, marriage. When gifting someone a promise ring, you’re telling that person you are devoted to her/him and want to continue developing your relationship.
So what does your average promise ring look like? Well, there’s no easy answer to that question. A promise ring should cater to the style and taste of whomever it’s intended for. For a personalized promise ring, you might want to consider incorporating birthstones or a special engraved message. To add a touch of romance, consider selecting a ring that includes hearts or infinity symbols in its design. Typically though, a promise ring should not look like an engagement ring. For this reason, we recommend rings that are not as substantial as a traditional diamond engagement ring. We also recommend that the ring be worn on any finger except the ring finger of the left hand so it won’t accidentally be confused with an engagement ring.
For some promise ring ideas, browse our entire ring selection here. And if you’re interested in creating a custom designed ring, email us at or visit us in-store.