Trying to search for the perfect engagement ring can be a daunting task, especially if you have no idea what type of engagement ring she wants. You’ll have numerous choices to make when it comes to selecting the perfect engagement ring, so we suggest getting some idea of the type of engagement ring she hopes to one day receive. The easiest way to figure this out is to just ask her. If however, you don’t want to ruin the surprise, we have some ideas to help you find the perfect ring without asking her.
- Look at her Pinterest page. Wedding planning is a big part of Pinterest, so chances are your special someone has pinned engagement ring pictures that you can use as inspiration.
- Ask the people closest to her. Her mom, sister, and best friend are great examples of people to ask about engagement ring styles. If she’s thought about what type of engagement ring she one day hopes to wear, she’ll most likely have told someone close to her. You just have to make sure they won’t accidentally spill the beans.
- Take her somewhere where she’ll see jewelry, like a museum. If you take her to a jewelry store, she’ll definitely know somethings up. If instead you take her to a place which has a selection of jewelry among many other things, she’ll be less suspicious. Take note of any styles she seems to like.
- Look at the jewelry she already owns. By taking a peak at her personal jewelry collection, you’ll be able to get an idea of the type of style she likes. You can even take pictures of her jewelry pieces and show them to a jeweler if you’re unsure how to describe them.
- Work with a trusted jeweler who will ask the right questions to help you find the best ring possible. For instance, we always ask our clients if their significant other is very active. If this is the case, we recommend selecting or designing an engagement ring with a secure setting.
- Take our quiz to determine which style best suites her personality. Click here for the quiz.
- Trust your instincts. If you’re getting ready to propose, chances are you already know your significant other pretty well. If you think she’ll like a particular engagement ring design, she probably will. When it all comes down to it, she’ll love the ring because it came from you, so don’t stress out too much when searching for the perfect ring.
If you’ve taken these steps and are still uncertain about finding the right engagement ring, we recommend selecting your favorite diamond (or other precious gemstone) and proposing with it placed in a simple setting. Assure her that she can choose/design her own setting with the diamond you picked just for her.