September Birthstone Jewelry

By Emily on Wednesday, September 6th, 2023 in Birthstones. No Comments

One of the most popular types of colored gemstones, sapphires are the designated birthstone for September. Even though most people associate this gem with its beautiful blue color, sapphires actually come in every color of the rainbow (except for red). By far, blue is the most desired and sought-after color of sapphire. Here are some… Read More

Commonly Asked Questions: Sapphires

By Emily on Wednesday, September 6th, 2017 in Commonly Asked Questions, Gemstones, Informational. No Comments

Where are sapphires found? Some of the most well-known locations for fine quality sapphires include Kashmir, Myanmar, Thailand, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. In the United States, sapphires can be found in Montana. Where does a sapphire’s blue color come from? Sapphires belong to the mineral variety of corundum, which is naturally a colorless mineral. A sapphire’s blue color… Read More