July Birthstone Jewelry

By Emily on Wednesday, July 12th, 2023 in Birthstones. No Comments

Known for its bright red color, ruby is the designated birthstone for the month of July. Here are some of our favorite ruby jewelry pieces. You can view our current ruby jewelry collection in-store or online here.

Commonly Asked Questions: Rubies

By Emily on Wednesday, July 19th, 2017 in Commonly Asked Questions, Gemstones, Informational. No Comments

Where are rubies found? Most of the rubies available on the market come from Asian countries including Thailand, India, Pakistan, and Nepal. The most valuable rubies come from one Asian country in particular, Myanmar (formerly Burma). These Burmese rubies feature an exceptional red color that is highly sought after. Where does a ruby’s red color come from?… Read More

15 of the Most Fascinating Ruby Facts

By Emily on Wednesday, July 6th, 2016 in Gemstones, Informational, Uncategorized. No Comments

The vibrant red color and brilliance of rubies are what attract so many people to this precious gemstone. There’s definitely no shortage of interesting facts and folklore surrounding July’s birthstone so we narrowed it down and created our list of the 15 most fascinating facts about rubies. The name ruby comes from the Latin word… Read More