Lab Grown Diamonds

By Emily on Wednesday, September 30th, 2020 in Diamond, Informational. No Comments

Love them or hate them, lab grown diamonds are becoming more prevalent in today’s fine jewelry world. These diamonds have the same chemical makeup and appearance as natural diamonds, but have different origins. While natural diamonds were formed about 100 miles below the earth’s surface roughly one to three billion years ago, lab grown diamonds… Read More

Natural vs. Lab-Grown Diamonds

By Emily on Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 in Diamond, Informational. No Comments

Due to recent advances in technology, lab-grown diamonds are becoming more prevalent in the gemstone market and an increasing number of people are taking interest in these man-made gems. Unlike natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled setting, but have the same chemical composition and physical appearance as natural diamonds. Some people find lab-grown diamonds… Read More