Ring Damage Warning Signs

By Emily on Wednesday, October 19th, 2022 in Jewelry Repair. No Comments

Fine jewelry is meant to be worn and enjoyed for a very long time. However, like with most things, you’ll need to take proper care of your jewelry to ensure it lasts. This is especially true with rings, which we tend to wear the most. Unlike with necklaces and earrings, our rings come into contact… Read More

Jewelry Repair

By Emily on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020 in Jewelry Repair. No Comments

Quality-made fine jewelry can last a lifetime. However, no matter how well you take care of your favorite pieces, you may be in need of an occasional repair from time to time. Here are some of the most common types of jewelry repair: Gemstone replacement and setting: Gemstones can fall out of their settings for… Read More