April Birthstone Jewelry

By Emily on Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 in Birthstones, Diamond. No Comments

The world’s most admired gemstone is also the designated birthstone for April. Diamonds are unlike any other gem. They are highly sought-after due to their brilliance, durability, and overall beauty. Diamonds set in fine jewelry signify status and success, and those born in April are lucky enough to call this gem their birthstone. Here are… Read More

5 Diamond Buying Mistakes

By Emily on Wednesday, July 8th, 2020 in Diamond, Engagement Rings. No Comments

Whether you’re searching for a diamond engagement ring or are considering purchasing another type of jewelry, shopping for diamonds is fun and exciting. These gems offer a beauty and sparkle that is incomparable to any other gemstone. For both sentimental and monetary reasons, buying a diamond is often one of the biggest purchases you’ll make… Read More

How to Care for Your Engagement Ring

By Emily on Wednesday, March 4th, 2020 in Engagement Rings, Ring Care. No Comments

For many individuals, an engagement ring is often the first major piece of fine jewelry they’ll own and wear. So it makes sense that a lot of people are unsure of how to properly take care of their new ring. Follow these tips to ensure your engagement rings lasts for many years to come. Don’t… Read More

How to Select the Right Diamond

By Emily on Wednesday, February 21st, 2018 in Diamond, Engagement Rings, Informational. No Comments

If you’re part of the majority of people who select a diamond as their engagement ring center gemstone, you’re going to want to pay attention to this week’s blog post. Selecting a diamond is one of the most important steps when it comes to creating an engagement ring. There’s a lot to consider during the… Read More

How to Identify a Particular Diamond

By Emily on Wednesday, September 7th, 2016 in Diamond, Gemstones, Informational, Ring Care, Uncategorized. No Comments

There may be a unique code inscribed on your diamond and you probably didn’t even realize it. When determining the grade of a diamond, GIA diamond graders also use a micro-laser to inscribe a unique number specific to only that diamond. The inscription occurs on the diamonds girdle, the thin layer dividing the top and bottom portion… Read More